Gratitude: Week of 09/26
2 min readOct 3, 2021
This was a week that challenged me in different ways, mostly mental and emotional. Experiences with some rather selfish people; experiences with some generous people. In all, a good week because…well, I’m still alive and breathing, and relatively healthy. Let’s jump in…
- Monarch butterflies dancing and dashing between the asters and goldenrods planted at the front of the house. Monarchs have a strength and endurance I deeply admire, a different type of beauty that is often taken for granted. They will be gone soon, such is the cycle of life.
- Watching 11 find strength and voice; this week she told me she didn’t want to disappoint me, but that she does not want to be a warrior. I asked what she meant by that, “I don’t believe we should fight and hurt people.” We talked about the different types of warrior there are in our community: health warriors, advocate warriors, warriors for children’s rights, for women, warriors who are attorneys and teachers and civil servants, and we made a long list of how you can be a warrior without getting into fistfights. That she was standing firmly in her beliefs and making sound arguments…proud dad. Always.
- Related to the above, 11 decided to write a letter to Governor Baker about mask policies and vaccinations for Covid19, how adults fail to do right with policies and endanger kids. We put that letter in the mail.
- Meditation has been a frequent activity this week. Twice a day, 11 and I are meditating before we begin our day. I feel so much more centered, and the practice of mindfulness is good for both of us.
So much more to share, but keeping it all brief. Have a fantastic week.